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First Steps Comments and Questions on Reddit Get an X-Ray to rule out any fractures Elevate to help acute swelling drain Check in with a sports medicine doctor and sports physical therapist as soon as possible for an initial examination Recommend not to see a family doctor or GP unless you’re 100% confident they’re fully invested in your recovery Get an MRI for more in depth information about soft tissues, ligaments and cartilage (get on any cancellation lists) If possible get the images/scans on hand so you can give them to any appropriate specialist and physios (always try to get DICOM files) Get in contact with a sports orthopaedic surgeon for anything serious that needs surgical intervention Do physical therapy until you feel as close to pre-injury as possible, ensure range of motion is back to normal, there’s no pain and swelling and your walking pattern is normal In the case where there was no acute injury and pain, it is important to get b

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